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Demonstration of prototype ngCASA flagging functions built from the CNGI infrastructure.

This walkthrough is designed to be run in a Jupyter notebook on Google Colaboratory. To open the notebook in colab, go here


import os
print("installing casa6 + cngi (takes a minute or two)...")
os.system("apt-get install libgfortran3")
os.system("pip install casatasks==")
os.system("pip install casadata")
os.system("pip install cngi-prototype==0.0.91")

# Retrieve and extract demonstration datasets
print('retrieving MS tarfiles...')
!gdown -q --id 1N9QSs2Hbhi-BrEHx5PA54WigXt8GGgx1
!tar -xzf
installing casa6 + cngi (takes a minute or two)...
retrieving MS tarfiles...

Convert MeasurementSet

from cngi.conversion import convert_ms

zarr_name = 'twhya.vis.zarr'
mxds = convert_ms('', outfile=zarr_name)
Completed ddi 0  process time 24.66 s
Completed subtables  process time 1.04 s

from cngi.dio import describe_vis

# We will be working with the only SPW (xds0) present in this dataset, for simplicity

spw_id pol_id times baselines chans pols size_MB
xds0 0 0 410 210 384 2 1586

Flag Summaries

Summaries of flags by different dimensions in a dictionary, similar to the dictionary produce by CASA flagdata in ‘summary’ mode.

from ngcasa.flagging import summary

# <temporary> prepare for summaries
mxds.xds0['presence_baseline'] = mxds.xds0.DATA.notnull().any(['chan', 'pol'])
# </temporary>

# Get the initial flagging status
counts = summary(mxds, 0)
{'antenna': {'DA42': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 5763072},
  'DA44': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6081792},
  'DA45': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA46': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA48': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA49': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA50': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV02': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV05': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV06': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV08': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6068736},
  'DV10': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6054144},
  'DV13': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV15': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV16': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV17': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV18': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV19': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 4808448},
  'DV20': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 4757760},
  'DV22': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV23': {'flagged': 4560, 'total': 5377536}},
 'array': {'0': {'flagged': 45600, 'total': 61872384}},
 'correlation': {'XX': {'flagged': 22800, 'total': 30936192},
  'YY': {'flagged': 22800, 'total': 30936192}},
 'field': {'3c279': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 2612736},
  'Ceres': {'flagged': 45600, 'total': 2918400},
  'J0522-364': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 3225600},
  'J1037-295': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 12288000},
  'TW Hya': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 40827648}},
 'flagged': 45600,
 'observation': {'0': {'flagged': 45600, 'total': 61872384}},
 'scan': {'10': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '12': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6538752},
  '14': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '16': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7956480},
  '18': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '20': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7926528},
  '22': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '24': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7928832},
  '26': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '28': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7266816},
  '30': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '33': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 2612736},
  '34': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '36': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 3210240},
  '38': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '4': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 3225600},
  '7': {'flagged': 45600, 'total': 2918400}},
 'total': 61872384}

Flag Versions

from ngcasa.flagging import manager_list, manager_add, manager_remove

print('* Printing list of flag variables - checkpoint 0:')
versions = manager_list(mxds.xds0)

vis_flags = manager_add(mxds.xds0, 'FLAG_START', 'flags state at start')
vis_flags = manager_add(vis_flags, 'FLAG_BACKUP', 'backup description')
vis_flags = manager_add(vis_flags, 'FLAG_FINAL', 'backup second descr')

print('* Printing list - checkpoint A:')
versions = manager_list(vis_flags)

vis_flags['FLAG'] = vis_flags['FLAG_BACKUP'] | vis_flags['FLAG_START']

# We can always drop versions that are no longer useful
vis_flags = manager_remove(vis_flags, 'FLAG_START')
vis_flags = manager_remove(vis_flags, 'FLAG_BACKUP')
vis_flags = manager_remove(vis_flags, 'FLAG_FINAL')

print('* Printing list - checkpoint B:')
versions = manager_list(vis_flags)

# FLAG variables as added as regular data variables in the xarray Datasets
# An aditional attribute (flag_variables) are added for bookkeeping
* Printing list of flag variables - checkpoint 0:
  Flag variable name             Description
0               FLAG  Default flags variable
* Printing list - checkpoint A:
  Flag variable name             Description
0               FLAG  Default flags variable
1         FLAG_START    flags state at start
2        FLAG_BACKUP      backup description
3         FLAG_FINAL     backup second descr
* Printing list - checkpoint B:
  Flag variable name             Description
0               FLAG  Default flags variable
Dimensions:            (baseline: 210, chan: 384, pol: 2, pol_id: 1, spw_id: 1, time: 410, uvw_index: 3)
  * baseline           (baseline) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 204 205 206 207 208 209
  * chan               (chan) float64 3.725e+11 3.725e+11 ... 3.728e+11
    chan_width         (chan) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(32,), meta=np.ndarray>
    effective_bw       (chan) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(32,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * pol                (pol) int64 9 12
  * pol_id             (pol_id) int64 0
    resolution         (chan) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(32,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * spw_id             (spw_id) int64 0
  * time               (time) datetime64[ns] 2012-11-19T07:37:00 ... 2012-11-...
Dimensions without coordinates: uvw_index
Data variables: (12/21)
    ANTENNA1           (baseline) int64 dask.array<chunksize=(210,), meta=np.ndarray>
    ANTENNA2           (baseline) int64 dask.array<chunksize=(210,), meta=np.ndarray>
    ARRAY_ID           (time, baseline) int64 dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210), meta=np.ndarray>
    DATA               (time, baseline, chan, pol) complex128 dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210, 32, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
    DATA_WEIGHT        (time, baseline, chan, pol) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210, 32, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
    EXPOSURE           (time, baseline) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210), meta=np.ndarray>
    ...                 ...
    TIME_CENTROID      (time, baseline) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210), meta=np.ndarray>
    UVW                (time, baseline, uvw_index) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210, 3), meta=np.ndarray>
    presence_baseline  (time, baseline) bool dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210), meta=np.ndarray>
    FLAG_START         (time, baseline, chan, pol) bool dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210, 32, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
    FLAG_BACKUP        (time, baseline, chan, pol) bool dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210, 32, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
    FLAG_FINAL         (time, baseline, chan, pol) bool dask.array<chunksize=(100, 210, 32, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/15)
    assoc_nature:     ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''...
    bbc_no:           2
    corr_product:     [[0, 0], [1, 1]]
    data_groups:      [{'0': {'data': 'DATA', 'flag': 'FLAG', 'id': '0', 'uvw...
    freq_group:       0
    ...               ...
    net_sideband:     2
    num_chan:         384
    num_corr:         2
    ref_frequency:    372533086425.9812
    total_bandwidth:  234375000.0
    flag_variables:   {'FLAG': 'Default flags variable'}

Running flagging methods

A few illustrative examples, trying to cover all the categories of flagging methods.

Meta-Information Based Methods

Methods based on data selection and/or meta-information. Simple examples with data selection based flagging and unflagging.

from ngcasa.flagging import manual_flag, manual_unflag

vis_dset = manager_add(mxds.xds0, 'FLAG_CHECKPOINT_A', 'after a couple of example manual selections')
vis_dset = manager_add(vis_dset, 'FLAG_MANUAL_SELS', 'after applying a few manual flags')

# unflag one antenna (not present)
vis_partial = manual_unflag(mxds, 0, [{'antenna': 'DV06'}])

# unflag one antenna (present)
vis_partial = manual_unflag(mxds, 0, [{'antenna': 'DV02'}])

# unflag all
vis_unflagged = manual_unflag(mxds, 0, [])

# <tmp> Handle return xds / mxds(use cngi._utils._io.vis_xds_packager?)
mxds_manual = mxds
mxds_manual.xds0['FLAG'] = vis_unflagged['FLAG']
# </tmp>

counts = summary(mxds_manual, 0)
print('\n* Flags after unflagging:')

* Flags after unflagging:
{'antenna': {'DA42': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 5763072},
  'DA44': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6081792},
  'DA45': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA46': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA48': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA49': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA50': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV02': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV05': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV06': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV08': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6068736},
  'DV10': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6054144},
  'DV13': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV15': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV16': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV17': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV18': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV19': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 4808448},
  'DV20': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 4757760},
  'DV22': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV23': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 5377536}},
 'array': {'0': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 61872384}},
 'correlation': {'XX': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 30936192},
  'YY': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 30936192}},
 'field': {'3c279': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 2612736},
  'Ceres': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 2918400},
  'J0522-364': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 3225600},
  'J1037-295': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 12288000},
  'TW Hya': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 40827648}},
 'flagged': 0,
 'observation': {'0': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 61872384}},
 'scan': {'10': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '12': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 6538752},
  '14': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '16': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7956480},
  '18': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '20': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7926528},
  '22': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '24': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7928832},
  '26': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '28': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 7266816},
  '30': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '33': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 2612736},
  '34': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1459200},
  '36': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 3210240},
  '38': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 1612800},
  '4': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 3225600},
  '7': {'flagged': 0, 'total': 2918400}},
 'total': 61872384}

Command Lists

An example of application of a list of manual flagging commands, resembling use cases from pipelines. An additional required input is the file of flagging commands. Here we use a .flagonline.txt file as used in pipelines, where we usually find of the order of 1000s or 10s of thousands of commands. The .flagonline.txt is the lion’s share of the full list of commands used by pipelines (.flagcmds.txt), where the .flagonline.txt list of commands is extended with a much shorter list of additional commands that may include a number of summaries, selections based on intent and frequency, the shadow method, etc.

The selection syntax used is the Xarray selection syntax (see examples in the Visibilities walkthrough), with selection by label xds.sel(...).

# Some examples with selections by time, chan, baseline, pol

vis_flags_tr = manual_unflag(mxds, 0, [{'time': slice('2011-09-16T15:38:17','2011-10-16T18:39:50')}])
vis_flags = manual_unflag(mxds, 0, [{}])

# Flag time range
vis_flags_tr = manual_flag(mxds, 0, [{'time': slice('2012-11-19T08:44:55.000', '2012-11-19T08:52:55.400')}])
# Flag antenna in time range
vis_flags_ta = manual_flag(mxds, 0, [{'time': slice('2012-11-19T07:37:00.000', '2012-11-19T08:23:52.800'), 'antenna': 'DA46'}])

# Flag two groups of adjacent ~20 chans
vis_flags_chan = manual_flag(mxds, 0, [{'chan': slice(3.7266e11, 3.7271e11)},
                                       {'chan': slice(3.7276e11, 3.728e11)}])

# Flag polarization, by ID
vis_flags_pol = manual_flag(mxds, 0, [{'pol': 9}])

# Flag some baselines, by ID
vis_flags_base = manual_flag(mxds, 0, [{'baseline': [133, 134, 135]}])

vis_flags_ta['FLAG'] |= vis_flags_tr['FLAG'] | vis_flags_chan['FLAG']
vis_flags_manual = manager_add(vis_flags_ta, 'FLAG_MANUAL_LIST', 'after applying list of selection commands', 'FLAG')

# <tmp> Handle return xds / mxds(use cngi._utils._io.vis_xds_packager?)
mxds_manual.xds0['FLAG'] = vis_flags_manual['FLAG']
# </tmp>

print('* Printing list - after flagging:')
versions = manager_list(vis_flags_ta)

print('* Flags after flagging some channels and baselines:')
counts = summary(mxds, 0)
WARNING: selection results in 0 shape. Sel: {'time': slice(numpy.datetime64('2011-09-16T15:38:17'), numpy.datetime64('2011-10-16T18:39:50'), None)}. Shape: (0, 210, 384, 2)
* Printing list - after flagging:
  Flag variable name                                  Description
0               FLAG                       Default flags variable
1  FLAG_CHECKPOINT_A  after a couple of example manual selections
2   FLAG_MANUAL_SELS            after applying a few manual flags
3   FLAG_MANUAL_LIST    after applying list of selection commands
* Flags after flagging some channels and baselines:
{'antenna': {'DA42': {'flagged': 2067312, 'total': 5763072},
  'DA44': {'flagged': 2145912, 'total': 6081792},
  'DA45': {'flagged': 2142340, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA46': {'flagged': 4302260, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA48': {'flagged': 2141760, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA49': {'flagged': 2142340, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA50': {'flagged': 2141760, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV02': {'flagged': 2135180, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV05': {'flagged': 2124160, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV06': {'flagged': 2145912, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV08': {'flagged': 2142716, 'total': 6068736},
  'DV10': {'flagged': 2138564, 'total': 6054144},
  'DV13': {'flagged': 2135572, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV15': {'flagged': 2138376, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV16': {'flagged': 2145912, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV17': {'flagged': 2133832, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV18': {'flagged': 2142340, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV19': {'flagged': 1782008, 'total': 4808448},
  'DV20': {'flagged': 1282400, 'total': 4757760},
  'DV22': {'flagged': 2128516, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV23': {'flagged': 1944516, 'total': 5377536}},
 'array': {'0': {'flagged': 22801844, 'total': 61872384}},
 'correlation': {'XX': {'flagged': 11400922, 'total': 30936192},
  'YY': {'flagged': 11400922, 'total': 30936192}},
 'field': {'3c279': {'flagged': 639576, 'total': 2612736},
  'Ceres': {'flagged': 934800, 'total': 2918400},
  'J0522-364': {'flagged': 1021600, 'total': 3225600},
  'J1037-295': {'flagged': 4336200, 'total': 12288000},
  'TW Hya': {'flagged': 15869668, 'total': 40827648}},
 'flagged': 22801844,
 'observation': {'0': {'flagged': 22801844, 'total': 61872384}},
 'scan': {'10': {'flagged': 467400, 'total': 1459200},
  '12': {'flagged': 2121472, 'total': 6538752},
  '14': {'flagged': 467400, 'total': 1459200},
  '16': {'flagged': 2523620, 'total': 7956480},
  '18': {'flagged': 510800, 'total': 1612800},
  '20': {'flagged': 2333008, 'total': 7926528},
  '22': {'flagged': 394800, 'total': 1612800},
  '24': {'flagged': 1940912, 'total': 7928832},
  '26': {'flagged': 394800, 'total': 1612800},
  '28': {'flagged': 6164816, 'total': 7266816},
  '30': {'flagged': 1349000, 'total': 1459200},
  '33': {'flagged': 639576, 'total': 2612736},
  '34': {'flagged': 357200, 'total': 1459200},
  '36': {'flagged': 785840, 'total': 3210240},
  '38': {'flagged': 394800, 'total': 1612800},
  '4': {'flagged': 1021600, 'total': 3225600},
  '7': {'flagged': 934800, 'total': 2918400}},
 'total': 61872384}

Auto-flagging methods

An illustrative example using the auto_clip method. Other auto-flagging methods such as tfcrop, rflag, and uvbin are not implemented.

from ngcasa.flagging import auto_clip

# vis_dset = manager_add(vis_dset, 'auto_clip_test1', 'after applying clip')
versions = manager_list(vis_dset)

vis_clip = auto_clip(vis_dset, 10, 35)

# <tmp> Handle return xds / mxds (use cngi._utils._io.vis_xds_packager?)
mxds.xds0['FLAG'] = vis_clip['FLAG']
# </tmp>

counts_clip = summary(mxds, 0)
  Flag variable name                                  Description
0               FLAG                       Default flags variable
1  FLAG_CHECKPOINT_A  after a couple of example manual selections
2   FLAG_MANUAL_SELS            after applying a few manual flags
3   FLAG_MANUAL_LIST    after applying list of selection commands
{'antenna': {'DA42': {'flagged': 3574131, 'total': 5763072},
  'DA44': {'flagged': 3446333, 'total': 6081792},
  'DA45': {'flagged': 3600687, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA46': {'flagged': 3591839, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA48': {'flagged': 3750212, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA49': {'flagged': 3552130, 'total': 6067200},
  'DA50': {'flagged': 3744628, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV02': {'flagged': 3518095, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV05': {'flagged': 3594624, 'total': 6040320},
  'DV06': {'flagged': 3691423, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV08': {'flagged': 3341354, 'total': 6068736},
  'DV10': {'flagged': 3488830, 'total': 6054144},
  'DV13': {'flagged': 3557439, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV15': {'flagged': 3194677, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV16': {'flagged': 3657900, 'total': 6081792},
  'DV17': {'flagged': 3673673, 'total': 6039552},
  'DV18': {'flagged': 3381264, 'total': 6067200},
  'DV19': {'flagged': 3012167, 'total': 4808448},
  'DV20': {'flagged': 2815375, 'total': 4757760},
  'DV22': {'flagged': 3204976, 'total': 6053376},
  'DV23': {'flagged': 2748667, 'total': 5377536}},
 'array': {'0': {'flagged': 36070212, 'total': 61872384}},
 'correlation': {'XX': {'flagged': 15761725, 'total': 30936192},
  'YY': {'flagged': 20308487, 'total': 30936192}},
 'field': {'3c279': {'flagged': 858487, 'total': 2612736},
  'Ceres': {'flagged': 1375898, 'total': 2918400},
  'J0522-364': {'flagged': 1503426, 'total': 3225600},
  'J1037-295': {'flagged': 7757083, 'total': 12288000},
  'TW Hya': {'flagged': 24575318, 'total': 40827648}},
 'flagged': 36070212,
 'observation': {'0': {'flagged': 36070212, 'total': 61872384}},
 'scan': {'10': {'flagged': 856645, 'total': 1459200},
  '12': {'flagged': 3588925, 'total': 6538752},
  '14': {'flagged': 896040, 'total': 1459200},
  '16': {'flagged': 4885157, 'total': 7956480},
  '18': {'flagged': 1042825, 'total': 1612800},
  '20': {'flagged': 4699547, 'total': 7926528},
  '22': {'flagged': 1051648, 'total': 1612800},
  '24': {'flagged': 4921773, 'total': 7928832},
  '26': {'flagged': 1094965, 'total': 1612800},
  '28': {'flagged': 4555899, 'total': 7266816},
  '30': {'flagged': 970248, 'total': 1459200},
  '33': {'flagged': 858487, 'total': 2612736},
  '34': {'flagged': 867909, 'total': 1459200},
  '36': {'flagged': 1924017, 'total': 3210240},
  '38': {'flagged': 976803, 'total': 1612800},
  '4': {'flagged': 1503426, 'total': 3225600},
  '7': {'flagged': 1375898, 'total': 2918400}},
 'total': 61872384}

Applying Flags

To apply a version of flags on a visibilities dataset, before going on to further processing, the function cngi.vis.apply_flags should be applied. Some examples can be found in the Continuum Imaging Example or the Visibilities walkthrough. cngi.vis.apply_flags sets the flagged data values to NaN. This has the effect that those NaN values are effectively excluded from subsequent CNGI/ngCASA processing. Other components of CNGI and ngCASA, such as imaging, will ignore those NaN values.

# Further processing: visualization, calibration, imaging, etc. with flags applied (flagged data excluded)
from cngi.vis import apply_flags
from cngi.vis import visplot
from cngi._utils._io import mxds_copier

versions = manager_list(vis_dset)

print(f"* versions of flags: {versions}")
plot_axes = ['time', 'chan']

mxds_manual = mxds.copy()
mxds_manual.attrs['xds0'] = vis_flags_manual

flagged_manual = apply_flags(mxds_manual, 'xds0', flags=['FLAG_MANUAL_LIST'])

visplot(flagged_manual.xds0.DATA, plot_axes)
visplot(mxds.xds0.DATA, plot_axes)

mxds_dset = mxds.copy()
mxds_dset.attrs['xds0'] = vis_dset
mxds_flagged = apply_flags(mxds, 'xds0', flags=['FLAG'])
mxds_clip = mxds.copy()
mxds_clip.attrs['xds0'] = vis_clip
flagged_clip = apply_flags(mxds, 'xds0', flags=['FLAG'])

visplot(mxds_flagged.xds0.DATA, plot_axes)
visplot(flagged_clip.xds0.DATA, plot_axes)
* versions of flags:   Flag variable name                                  Description
0               FLAG                       Default flags variable
1  FLAG_CHECKPOINT_A  after a couple of example manual selections
2   FLAG_MANUAL_SELS            after applying a few manual flags
3   FLAG_MANUAL_LIST    after applying list of selection commands