Source code for cngi.image.moments

#  CASA Next Generation Infrastructure
#  Copyright (C) 2021 AUI, Inc. Washington DC, USA
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
this module will be included in the api

import xarray as xa
import numpy as np


[docs]def moments(xds, dv='IMAGE', moment=None, axis='chan'): """ Collapse an n-dimensional image cube into a moment by taking a linear combination of individual planes .. note:: This implementation still needs to implement additional moment codes, and verify behavior of implemented moment codes. Parameters ---------- xds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset input Image Dataset dv : str image data variable. Default is 'IMAGE' moment : int or list of ints number that selects which moment to calculate from the following list -1 - mean value of the spectrum (default) 0 - integrated value of the spectrum 1 - intensity weighted coordinate; traditionally used to get ’velocity fields’ 2 - intensity weighted dispersion of the coordinate; traditionally used to get ’velocity dispersion’ 3 - median of I 4 - median coordinate 5 - standard deviation about the mean of the spectrum 6 - root mean square of the spectrum 7 - absolute mean deviation of the spectrum 8 - maximum value of the spectrum 9 - coordinate of the maximum value of the spectrum 10 - minimum value of the spectrum 11 - coordinate of the minimum value of the spectrum axis : str specified axis along which to reduce for moment generation, Default='chan' Returns ------- xarray.core.dataset.Dataset output Image """ import scipy.constants as constants # don't modify input xds = xds.copy() # input parameter checking # moment: int array: a List of moments to compute if moment is None: moment = np.arange(-1,12) moment = np.atleast_1d(moment) assert np.min(moment) in range(-1,12), "Input to moment parameter must be between -1 and 11" assert np.max(moment) in range(-1,12), "Input to moment parameter must be between -1 and 11" # axis: string int: the moment axis: ra, dec, lat, long, spectral or stokes. assert axis in xds.dims, "axis not present in input image" #This factor is related to the width (in world coordinate units) of a pixel along the moment axis # light speed in kilometer per second lightSpeed = constants.c/1000 f0 = float(xds.attrs['rest_frequency'].replace('hz', '')) v = (1 - xds.coords[axis] / f0) * lightSpeed deltaV = (xds.coords[axis].values[1]-xds.coords[axis].values[0])*lightSpeed / f0 intensity = xds[dv] # moments calculation if 0 in moment or 1 in moment or 2 in moment: xds["MOMENTS_AVERAGE"] = intensity.sum(dim=axis) / intensity.shape[3] xds["MOMENTS_INTEGRATED"]=intensity.sum(dim=axis)*deltaV # replace this loop with vectorized mathematics #sum1 = 0 #for i in range(intensity.shape[3]): # sum1 += intensity[:, :, :, i, :] * v[i] sum1 = (intensity * v).sum(axis=3) xds["MOMENTS_WEIGHTED_COORD"] = sum1/xds["MOMENTS_INTEGRATED"] # replace this loop with vectorized mathematics #sum1 = 0 #for i in range(intensity.shape[3]): # sum1 += intensity[:, :, :, i, :]*pow((v[i]-xds["MOMENTS_WEIGHTED_COORD"]),2) sum1 = (intensity * ((v - xds["MOMENTS_WEIGHTED_COORD"]) ** 2)).sum(axis=3) xds["MOMENTS_WEIGHTED_DISPERSION_COORD"] = np.sqrt(sum1 / xds["MOMENTS_INTEGRATED"]) if 3 in moment: xds["MOMENTS_MEDIAN"] = intensity.median(dim=axis) if 4 in moment: xds["MOMENTS_MEDIAN_COORD"] = intensity.chunk({'chan':None}).quantile(0.25, dim=axis) #np.quantile(intensity.values, .25) if 5 in moment: sd = (intensity - intensity.mean(dim=axis))**2 standarddeviation = np.sqrt(sd.sum(dim=axis) / (intensity.shape[3]-1)) xds["MOMENTS_STANDARD_DEVIATION"] = standarddeviation # The default xarray.std returns large difference between casa6 and CNGI # ds["MOMENTS_STANDARD_DEVIATION"] = intensity.std(dim=axis) if 6 in moment: xds["MOMENTS_RMS"] = np.sqrt((np.fabs(intensity * intensity)).mean(dim=axis)) if 7 in moment: sd = np.fabs((intensity-intensity.mean(dim=axis))) absmeandev = sd.mean(dim=axis) xds["MOMENTS_ABS_MEAN_DEV"] = absmeandev if 8 in moment: xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM"] = intensity.max(dim=axis) # moments of maximum coordinate unit is km/m if 9 in moment: #mcnparray = intensity.argmax(dim=axis).values.astype(np.float32) #for i in range(intensity.shape[3]): # mcnparray[mcnparray==i]=v[i] mcnparray = intensity.assign_coords({'chan'}).max(dim=axis) xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM_COORD"] = mcnparray #xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM_COORD"] = xa.DataArray(mcnparray, # coords=xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM"].coords, # dims=xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM"].dims) if 10 in moment: xds["MOMENTS_MINIMUM"] = intensity.min(dim=axis) # moments of maximum coordinate unit is km/m if 11 in moment: #mcnparray = intensity.argmin(dim=axis).values.astype(np.float32) #for i in range(intensity.shape[2]): # mcnparray[mcnparray == i] = v[i] mcnparray = intensity.assign_coords({'chan':}).min(dim=axis) xds["MOMENTS_MINIMUM_COORD"] = mcnparray #xds["MOMENTS_MINIMUM_COORD"] = xa.DataArray(mcnparray, # coords=xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM"].coords, # dims=xds["MOMENTS_MAXIMUM"].dims) return xds