
apply_calibration(vis_dataset, cal_dataset, apply_parms, storage_parms)[source]


This function is not yet implemented

Apply antenna gain solutions according to the parameters in solpars.

Calculate V_ij(corrected) = V_ij(observed) / g_i g_j*

Inputs :

List of calibration solution datasets (to apply in the specified order) Interpolation type ? Data array on which to operate. Default=’DATA’ Data array in which to fill the output. Default=’CORRECTED_DATA’ - this option exists in order to support simulator’s corrupt operation where we’d pick ‘DATA’

TBD : Should this translation of the caltable back to the original un-averaged data be done here, or in a centralized CNGI method that handles such interpolations for all methods that need to convert averaged values into un-averaged values. Note the difference between just copying and expanding values, versus interpolation.

TBD : Single apply() method, or several ?



Return type
