Source code for cngi.conversion.convert_image

#  CASA Next Generation Infrastructure
#  Copyright (C) 2021 AUI, Inc. Washington DC, USA
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
this module will be included in the api

[docs]def convert_image(infile, outfile=None, artifacts=[], compressor=None, chunks=(-1, -1, 1, 1)): """ Convert legacy CASA or FITS format Image to xarray Image Dataset and zarr storage format This function requires CASA6 casatools module. Parameters ---------- infile : str Input image filename (.image or .fits format). If taylor terms are present, they should be in the form of filename.image.tt0 and this infile string should be filename.image outfile : str Output zarr filename. If None, will use infile name with .img.zarr extension artifacts : list of str List of other image artifacts to include if present with infile. Use None for just the specified infile. Default [] uses ``['mask','model','pb','psf','residual','sumwt','weight']`` compressor : numcodecs.blosc.Blosc The blosc compressor to use when saving the converted data to disk using zarr. If None the zstd compression algorithm used with compression level 2. chunks: 4-D tuple of ints Shape of desired chunking in the form of (l, m, channels, polarization), use -1 for entire axis in one chunk. Default is (-1, -1, 1, 1) Note: chunk size is the product of the four numbers (up to the actual size of the dimension) Returns ------- xarray.core.dataset.Dataset new xarray Datasets of Image data contents """ from casatools import image as ia from casatools import quanta as qa from cngi._utils._table_conversion import convert_simple_table, convert_time import numpy as np from itertools import cycle import importlib_metadata import xarray from numcodecs import Blosc import time, os, warnings, re warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning) # suppress noisy warnings about bool types # TODO - find and save projection type infile = os.path.expanduser(infile[:-1]) if infile.endswith('/') else os.path.expanduser(infile) infile = infile if infile.startswith('/') else './' + infile prefix = infile[:infile.rindex('.')] suffix = infile[infile.rindex('.') + 1:] srcdir = infile[:infile.rindex('/') + 1] if outfile == None: outfile = prefix + '.img.zarr' outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile) if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) tmp = os.system("rm -fr " + outfile) tmp = os.system("mkdir " + outfile) IA = ia() QA = qa() begin = time.time() # all image artifacts will go in same zarr file and share common dimensions if possible # check for meta data compatibility # store necessary coordinate conversion data if artifacts is None: artifacts = [suffix] elif len(artifacts) == 0: artifacts = ['image', 'pb', 'psf', 'residual', 'mask', 'model', 'sumwt', 'weight', 'image.pbcor'] if suffix not in artifacts: artifacts = [suffix] + artifacts diftypes, mxds, artifact_dims, artifact_masks = [], xarray.Dataset(), {}, {} ttcount = 0 # for each image artifact, determine what image files in the source directory are compatible with each other # extract the metadata from each # if taylor terms are present for the artifact, process metadata for first one only print("converting Image...") dirlist = sorted([srcdir+ff for ff in os.listdir(srcdir) if (srcdir+ff).startswith(prefix)]) for imtype in artifacts: imagelist = [ff for ff in dirlist if len(re.findall('%s\.%s$'%(prefix, imtype), ff))>0] if len(imagelist)==0: imagelist = [ff for ff in dirlist if len(re.findall('%s\.%s\.tt\d+$'%(prefix, imtype), ff))>0] if (len(imagelist)==0) and (len(imtype.split('.'))>1): imagelist = [ff for ff in dirlist if len(re.findall('%s\.%s\.tt\d\.%s$'%(prefix, imtype.split('.')[0], imtype.split('.')[1]), ff))>0] if len(imagelist) == 0: continue # find number of taylor terms for this artifact and update count for total set if necessary ttcount = len(imagelist) if ttcount == 0 else ttcount rc =[0]) csys = IA.coordsys() summary = IA.summary(list=False) # imhead would be better but chokes on big images ims = IA.shape() # image shape coord_names = [ss.replace(' ', '_').lower().replace('stokes', 'pol').replace('frequency', 'chan') for ss in summary['axisnames']] # compute world coordinates for spherical dimensions sphr_dims = [dd for dd in range(len(ims)) if QA.isangle(summary['axisunits'][dd])] coord_idxs = np.mgrid[[range(ims[dd]) if dd in sphr_dims else range(1) for dd in range(len(ims))]].reshape(len(ims), -1) coord_world = csys.toworldmany(coord_idxs.astype(float))['numeric'][sphr_dims].reshape((-1,)+tuple(ims[sphr_dims])) coords = dict([(coord_names[dd], (['l','m'], coord_world[di])) for di, dd in enumerate(sphr_dims)]) if imtype == 'sumwt': coords = {} # special case, force sumwt to only cartesian coords (chan, pol) # compute world coordinates for cartesian dimensions cart_dims = [dd for dd in range(len(ims)) if dd not in sphr_dims] coord_idxs = np.mgrid[[range(ims[dd]) if dd in cart_dims else range(1) for dd in range(len(ims))]].reshape(len(ims), -1) coord_world = csys.toworldmany(coord_idxs.astype(float))['numeric'][cart_dims].reshape((-1,)+tuple(ims[cart_dims])) for dd, cs in enumerate(list(coord_world)): spi = tuple([slice(None) if di == dd else slice(1) for di in range(cs.ndim)]) coords.update(dict([(coord_names[cart_dims[dd]], cs[spi].reshape(-1))])) # compute the time coordinate dtime = csys.torecord()['obsdate']['m0']['value'] if csys.torecord()['obsdate']['m0']['unit'] == 'd': dtime = dtime * 86400 coords['time'] = convert_time([dtime]) # assign values to l, m coords based on incr and refpix in metadata if ('incr' in summary) and ('refpix' in summary) and ('shape' in summary) and (imtype != 'sumwt'): coords['l'] = np.arange(-summary['refpix'][0], summary['shape'][0]-summary['refpix'][0]) * summary['incr'][0] coords['m'] = np.arange(-summary['refpix'][1], summary['shape'][1]-summary['refpix'][1]) * summary['incr'][1] # check to see if this image artifact is of a compatible shape to be part of the image artifact dataset try: # easiest to try to merge and let xarray figure it out mxds = mxds.merge(xarray.Dataset(coords=coords), compat='equals') except Exception: diftypes += [imtype] continue # store rest of image metadata as attributes (if not already in the xds omits = list(mxds.attrs.keys()) omits += ['hasmask', 'masks', 'defaultmask', 'ndim', 'refpix', 'refval', 'shape', 'tileshape', 'messages'] nested = [kk for kk in summary.keys() if isinstance(summary[kk], dict)] mxds = mxds.assign_attrs(dict([(kk.lower(), summary[kk]) for kk in summary.keys() if kk not in omits + nested])) artifact_dims[imtype] = [ss.replace('right_ascension', 'l').replace('declination', 'm') for ss in coord_names] artifact_masks[imtype] = summary['masks'] # manually swap known meta attrs that deal with dim/coord units if ('axisnames' in summary) and ('axisnames' not in omits): mxds = mxds.assign_attrs({'axisnames':list(mxds.axisnames[:2]) + ['Time'] + list(mxds.axisnames[2:][::-1])}) if ('axisunits' in summary) and ('axisunits' not in omits): mxds = mxds.assign_attrs({'axisunits':list(mxds.axisunits[:2]) + ['datetime64[ns]'] + list(mxds.axisunits[2:][::-1])}) # check for common and restoring beams rb = IA.restoringbeam() if (len(rb) > 0) and ('restoringbeam' not in mxds.attrs): # if there is a restoring beam, this should work cb = IA.commonbeam() mxds = mxds.assign_attrs({'commonbeam': [cb['major']['value'], cb['minor']['value'], cb['pa']['value']]}) mxds = mxds.assign_attrs({'commonbeam_units': [cb['major']['unit'], cb['minor']['unit'], cb['pa']['unit']]}) mxds = mxds.assign_attrs({'restoringbeam': [cb['major']['value'], cb['minor']['value'], cb['pa']['value']]}) if 'beams' in rb: beams = np.array([[rbs['major']['value'], rbs['minor']['value'], rbs['positionangle']['value']] for rbc in rb['beams'].values() for rbs in rbc.values()]) mxds = mxds.assign_attrs({'perplanebeams':beams.reshape(len(rb['beams']),-1,3)}) # parse messages for additional keys, drop duplicate info omits = list(mxds.attrs.keys()) + ['image_name', 'image_type', 'image_quantity', 'pixel_mask(s)', 'region(s)', 'image_units'] for msg in summary['messages']: line = [tuple(kk.split(':')) for kk in msg.lower().split('\n') if ': ' in kk] line = [(kk[0].strip().replace(' ', '_'), kk[1].strip()) for kk in line] line = [ll for ll in line if ll[0] not in omits] mxds = mxds.assign_attrs(dict(line)) rc = csys.done() rc = IA.close() if len(diftypes) > 0: print('incompatible components: ', diftypes) # if taylor terms are present, the chan axis must be expanded to the length of the terms if ttcount > len(mxds.chan): mxds = mxds.pad({'chan': (0, ttcount-len(mxds.chan))}, mode='edge') chunk_dict = dict(zip(['l','m','time','chan','pol'], chunks[:2]+(1,)+chunks[2:])) mxds = mxds.chunk(chunk_dict) # for each artifact, convert the legacy format and add to the new image set # masks may be stored within each image, so they will need to be handled like subtables for ac, imtype in enumerate(list(artifact_dims.keys())): for ec, ext in enumerate([''] + ['/'+ff for ff in list(artifact_masks[imtype])]): imagelist = [ff for ff in dirlist if len(re.findall('%s\.%s$' % (prefix, imtype), ff)) > 0] if len(imagelist) == 0: imagelist = [ff for ff in dirlist if len(re.findall('%s\.%s\.tt\d+$' % (prefix, imtype), ff)) > 0] if (len(imagelist) == 0) and (len(imtype.split('.')) > 1): imagelist = [ff for ff in dirlist if len(re.findall('%s\.%s\.tt\d\.%s$' % (prefix, imtype.split('.')[0], imtype.split('.')[1]), ff)) > 0] if len(imagelist) == 0: continue dimorder = ['time'] + list(reversed(artifact_dims[imtype])) chunkorder = [chunk_dict[vv] for vv in dimorder] ixds = convert_simple_table(imagelist[0]+ext, outfile+'.temp', dimnames=dimorder, compressor=compressor, chunks=chunkorder) # if the image set has taylor terms, loop through any for this artifact and concat together # pad the chan dim as necessary to fill remaining elements if not enough taylor terms in this artifact for ii in range(1, ttcount): if (ii < len(imagelist)) and os.path.exists(imagelist[ii] + ext): txds = convert_simple_table(imagelist[ii]+ext, outfile + '.temp', dimnames=dimorder, chunks=chunkorder, nofile=True) ixds = xarray.concat([ixds, txds], dim='chan') else: ixds = ixds.pad({'chan': (0, 1)}, constant_values=np.nan) ixds = ixds.rename({list(ixds.data_vars)[0]:(imtype.replace('.','_')+ext.replace('/','_')).upper()}).transpose('l','m','time','chan','pol') if imtype == 'sumwt': ixds = ixds.squeeze(['l','m'], drop=True) if imtype == 'mask': ixds = ixds.rename({'MASK':'AUTOMASK'}) # rename mask encoding = dict(zip(list(ixds.data_vars), cycle([{'compressor': compressor}]))) ixds.to_zarr(outfile, mode='w' if (ac==0) and (ec==0) else 'a', encoding=encoding, compute=True, consolidated=True) tmp = os.system("rm -fr " + outfile+'.temp') print('processed image in %s seconds' % str(np.float32(time.time() - begin))) # add attributes from metadata and version tag file mxds.to_zarr(outfile, mode='a', compute=True, consolidated=True) try: version = importlib_metadata.version('cngi-prototype') except: version = '0.0.0' with open(outfile + '/.version', 'w') as fid: # write sw version that did this conversion to zarr directory fid.write('cngi-protoype ' + version + '\n') return xarray.open_zarr(outfile)