Source code for cngi.image.fit_gaussian

#  CASA Next Generation Infrastructure
#  Copyright (C) 2021 AUI, Inc. Washington DC, USA
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
this module will be included in the api

import numpy as np
from numba import jit, objmode
import numba

[docs]def fit_gaussian(xds,dv='PSF',beam_set_name='RESTORE_PARMS',npix_window=[9,9],sampling=[9,9],cutoff=0.35): """ Fit one or more elliptical gaussian components on an image region Parameters ---------- xds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset input Image xarray dataset dv : str image data variable to fit. Default is 'PSF' Returns ------- xarray.core.dataset.Dataset output Image """ import xarray as xr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import dask.array as da from scipy.interpolate import interpn _xds = xds.copy(deep=True) sampling = np.array(sampling) npix_window = np.array(npix_window) delta = np.array([_xds[dv].l[1] - _xds[dv].l[0], _xds[dv].m[1] - _xds[dv].m[0]])*3600*180/np.pi chunks = _xds[dv].data.chunks[2:] + (3,) ellipse_parms = da.map_blocks(gauss_wrap_fit, _xds[dv].data, npix_window, sampling,cutoff, delta, dtype=np.double, drop_axis=[0,1], new_axis=[3], chunks=chunks) _xds[beam_set_name] = xr.DataArray(ellipse_parms, dims=['time','chan','pol','elps_index']) return _xds
################################################################ ########################### casa_fit ########################### @jit(nopython=True,cache=True,nogil=True) def gaussian2D(width_x, width_y, rotation, sampling): rotation = 90-rotation rotation = np.deg2rad(rotation) #x, y = np.indices((sampling[0]*2+1,sampling[1]*2+1)) x_size = sampling[0]*2+1 y_size = sampling[1]*2+1 x = np.repeat(np.arange(x_size),y_size).reshape((x_size,y_size)) y = np.repeat(np.arange(y_size),x_size).reshape((y_size,x_size)).T x = x - sampling[0] y = y - sampling[1] xp = x * np.cos(rotation) - y * np.sin(rotation) yp = x * np.sin(rotation) + y * np.cos(rotation) g = 1.*np.exp(-(((xp)/width_x)**2+((yp)/width_y)**2)/2.) return g @jit(nopython=True,cache=True,nogil=True) def beam_chi2(params, psf, sampling): # #psf_ravel = psf[~ np.isnan(psf)] # psf_indx = np.invert(np.isnan(psf)) # #print('psf_indx',psf_indx.shape) # #print('psf',psf.shape) # psf_ravel = psf[psf_indx] # #print('psf_ravel',psf_ravel.shape) psf_ravel = np.ravel(psf) psf_mask = np.invert(np.isnan(psf_ravel)) psf_ravel = psf_ravel[psf_mask] #print('psf_ravel',psf_ravel.shape) width_x, width_y, rotation = params #gaussian = gaussian2D(width_x, width_y, rotation, sampling) rotation = 90-rotation rotation = np.deg2rad(rotation) #x, y = np.indices((sampling[0]*2+1,sampling[1]*2+1)) x_size = sampling[0]*2+1 y_size = sampling[1]*2+1 x = np.repeat(np.arange(x_size),y_size).reshape((x_size,y_size)) y = np.repeat(np.arange(y_size),x_size).reshape((y_size,x_size)).T x = x - sampling[0] y = y - sampling[1] xp = x * np.cos(rotation) - y * np.sin(rotation) yp = x * np.sin(rotation) + y * np.cos(rotation) gaussian = 1.*np.exp(-(((xp)/width_x)**2+((yp)/width_y)**2)/2.) #print('gaussian',gaussian.shape) gaussian_ravel = np.ravel(gaussian) gaussian_ravel = gaussian_ravel[psf_mask] chi2 = np.sum((gaussian_ravel-psf_ravel)**2) return chi2 import numpy.linalg as linalg import scipy.optimize as optimize from scipy.interpolate import interpn def gauss_wrap_fit(img_to_fit,npix_window,sampling,cutoff,delta): #import time #start_time = time.time() ellipse_parms = casa_fit(img_to_fit,npix_window,sampling,cutoff,delta) #print('Fit time',time.time()-start_time) return ellipse_parms ''' def casa_fit(img_to_fit,npix_window,sampling,cutoff,delta): ellipse_parms = np.zeros(img_to_fit.shape[2:5] + (3,)) img_size = np.array(img_to_fit.shape[0:2]) img_center = img_size//2 start_window = img_center - npix_window//2 end_window = img_center + npix_window//2 + 1 img_to_fit = img_to_fit[start_window[0]:end_window[0],start_window[1]:end_window[1],:,:] d0 = np.arange(0, npix_window[0])*np.abs(delta[0]) d1 = np.arange(0, npix_window[1])*np.abs(delta[1]) interp_d0 = np.linspace(0, npix_window[0]-1, sampling[0])*np.abs(delta[0]) interp_d1 = np.linspace(0, npix_window[1]-1, sampling[1])*np.abs(delta[1]) #xp1, yp1 = np.meshgrid(interp_d0, interp_d1,indexing='ij') d0_shape = interp_d0.shape[0] d1_shape = interp_d1.shape[0] xp = np.repeat(interp_d0,d1_shape).reshape((d0_shape,d1_shape)) yp = np.repeat(interp_d1,d0_shape).reshape((d1_shape,d0_shape)).T points = np.vstack((np.ravel(xp), np.ravel(yp))).T #img_to_fit = np.reshape(interpn((d0,d1),img_to_fit[:,:,0,0],points,method="splinef2d"),[sampling[1],sampling[0]]).T for time in range(img_to_fit.shape[2]): for chan in range(img_to_fit.shape[3]): for pol in range(img_to_fit.shape[4]): interp_img_to_fit = np.reshape(interpn((d0,d1),img_to_fit[:,:,time,chan,pol],points,method="splinef2d"),[sampling[1],sampling[0]]).T interp_img_to_fit[interp_img_to_fit<cutoff] = np.nan #print(interp_img_to_fit.shape) # Fit a gaussian to the thresholded points p0 = [2.5, 2.5, 0.] res = optimize.minimize(beam_chi2, p0, args=(interp_img_to_fit, sampling//2)) res_x = res.x # convert to useful units phi = res_x[2] - 90. if phi < -90.: phi += 180. ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,0] = np.max(np.abs(res_x[0:2]))*np.abs(delta[0])*2.355/(sampling[0]/npix_window[0]) ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,1] = np.min(np.abs(res_x[0:2]))*np.abs(delta[1])*2.355/(sampling[1]/npix_window[1]) ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,2] = -phi return ellipse_parms ''' @jit(nopython=True,cache=True,nogil=True) def casa_fit(img_to_fit,npix_window,sampling,cutoff,delta): #ellipse_parms = np.zeros(img_to_fit.shape[2:5] + (3,)) ellipse_parms = np.zeros(img_to_fit.shape[2:5] + (3,),dtype=numba.double) img_size = np.array(img_to_fit.shape[0:2]) img_center = img_size//2 start_window = img_center - npix_window//2 end_window = img_center + npix_window//2 + 1 img_to_fit = img_to_fit[start_window[0]:end_window[0],start_window[1]:end_window[1],:,:] d0 = np.arange(0, npix_window[0])*np.abs(delta[0]) d1 = np.arange(0, npix_window[1])*np.abs(delta[1]) interp_d0 = np.linspace(0, npix_window[0]-1, sampling[0])*np.abs(delta[0]) interp_d1 = np.linspace(0, npix_window[1]-1, sampling[1])*np.abs(delta[1]) #xp1, yp1 = np.meshgrid(interp_d0, interp_d1,indexing='ij') d0_shape = interp_d0.shape[0] d1_shape = interp_d1.shape[0] xp = np.repeat(interp_d0,d1_shape).reshape((d0_shape,d1_shape)) yp = np.repeat(interp_d1,d0_shape).reshape((d1_shape,d0_shape)).T points = np.vstack((np.ravel(xp), np.ravel(yp))).T #img_to_fit = np.reshape(interpn((d0,d1),img_to_fit[:,:,0,0],points,method="splinef2d"),[sampling[1],sampling[0]]).T for time in range(img_to_fit.shape[2]): for chan in range(img_to_fit.shape[3]): for pol in range(img_to_fit.shape[4]): with objmode(res_x='f8[:]'): # annotate return type #if True: # this region is executed by object-mode. interp_img_to_fit = np.reshape(interpn((d0,d1),img_to_fit[:,:,time,chan,pol],points,method="splinef2d"),[sampling[1],sampling[0]]).T interp_img_to_fit[interp_img_to_fit<cutoff] = np.nan #print(interp_img_to_fit.shape) # Fit a gaussian to the thresholded points p0 = [2.5, 2.5, 0.] res = optimize.minimize(beam_chi2, p0, args=(interp_img_to_fit, sampling//2)) res_x = res.x # convert to useful units phi = res_x[2] - 90. if phi < -90.: phi += 180. ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,0] = np.max(np.abs(res_x[0:2]))*np.abs(delta[0])*2.355/(sampling[0]/npix_window[0]) ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,1] = np.min(np.abs(res_x[0:2]))*np.abs(delta[1])*2.355/(sampling[1]/npix_window[1]) ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,2] = -phi return ellipse_parms