Source code for ngcasa.flagging.manual_flag

#  CASA Next Generation Infrastructure
#  Copyright (C) 2021 AUI, Inc. Washington DC, USA
#  Copyright (C) 2021 European Southern Observatory, ALMA partnership
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
this module will be included in the api
import xarray as xr
from ._flagging_utils._merge_timerange_cmds import _merge_timerange_cmds
from ._flagging_utils._parse_sel_cmd import _parse_sel_cmd
from ._flagging_utils._read_flagcmds import _read_flagcmds

[docs]def manual_flag(mxds, xds_idx, commands=None, cmd_filename=None): """ Implements the 'manual' flagging method (equivalent to CASA6's flagdata manual mode). Parameters ---------- mxds: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset Input Dataset xds_idx: int Index of the xarray datasets to get counts from (index in the xds'i' attributes of mxds). This is an oversimplification (early prototyping) commands: List[Dict] List of selection commands. Each item in the list represent one selection of data to flag. Every selection item is a dictionary. Selection is currently supported by 'time', 'chan', 'antenna', and 'pol'. 'time', 'chan', and 'pol' correspond directly to the dimensions of FLAG and DATA varaibles in the xarray datasets. 'antenna' is translated to the 'baseline' dimension. cmd_filename: filename Name of a file with text flagging commands, using the same format as used in the CASA6 pipelines for the "*flagonline.txt" or "*flagcmds.txt" files. TBD - Additional selection parameters / criteria Returns: ------- xarray.core.dataset.Dataset Dataset with flags set on the selections given in commands and/or cmd_filename """ if commands and not isinstance(commands, list): raise ValueError('Parameter selection must be a list of selection dicts') all_cmds = [] if commands: all_cmds.extend(commands) if cmd_filename: all_cmds.extend(_read_flagcmds(cmd_filename)) if not all_cmds: raise RuntimeError("No valid flagging commands found in inputs. Direct " f"command list is: {commands}. File is: {cmd_filename}") xds = mxds.attrs['xds' + '{}'.format(xds_idx)] return _manual_with_reindex_like(mxds, xds, _merge_timerange_cmds(all_cmds))
def _manual_with_reindex_like(mxds, xds, cmds): flag_var = 'FLAG' ret_xds = xds.assign() for cmd in cmds: selection = _parse_sel_cmd(mxds, xds, cmd) fsel = xds[flag_var].sel(selection) if 0 in fsel.shape: print('WARNING: selection results in 0 shape. Sel: {}. Shape: {}'. format(fsel, fsel.shape)) continue # Alternative 1 with .sel(): sel-ones, broadcast, or flag_slice = xr.ones_like(fsel, dtype=bool) reindexed_slice = flag_slice.reindex_like(xds[flag_var], fill_value=False) ret_xds[flag_var] |= reindexed_slice return ret_xds