Source code for ngcasa.imaging.make_pb

#  CASA Next Generation Infrastructure
#  Copyright (C) 2021 AUI, Inc. Washington DC, USA
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
this module will be included in the api

    To do:
    Construct a Primary Beam cube containing a weighted sum of primary beams
    Option 1 : Evaluate models directly onto the image (for common PBs)
    Option 2 : Inverse FT each gridding convolution function (for varying PBs). Heterogeneous Arrays
    (A cube with 1 channel is a continuum image (nterms=1))

[docs]def make_pb(img_xds,pb_parms, grid_parms, sel_parms): """ The make_pb function currently supports rotationally symmetric airy disk primary beams. Primary beams can be generated for any number of dishes. The make_pb_parms['list_dish_diameters'] and make_pb_parms['list_blockage_diameters'] must be specified for each dish. Parameters ---------- img_xds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset Input image dataset. pb_parms : dictionary pb_parms['list_dish_diameters'] : list of number The list of dish diameters. pb_parms['list_blockage_diameters'] = list of number The list of blockage diameters for each dish. pb_parms['function'] : {'casa_airy','airy'}, default='casa_airy' Only the airy disk function is currently supported. grid_parms : dictionary grid_parms['image_size'] : list of int, length = 2 The image size (no padding). grid_parms['cell_size'] : list of number, length = 2, units = arcseconds The image cell size. grid_parms['chan_mode'] : {'continuum'/'cube'}, default = 'continuum' Create a continuum or cube image. grid_parms['fft_padding'] : number, acceptable range [1,100], default = 1.2 The factor that determines how much the gridded visibilities are padded before the fft is done. sel_parms : dictionary sel_parms['pb'] = 'PB' The created PB name. Returns ------- img_xds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset """ from cngi._utils._check_parms import _check_sel_parms, _check_existence_sel_parms from ._imaging_utils._check_imaging_parms import _check_pb_parms, _check_grid_parms import numpy as np import dask.array as da import copy, os import xarray as xr import matplotlib.pylab as plt print('######################### Start make_pb #########################') _img_xds = img_xds.copy(deep=True) _grid_parms = copy.deepcopy(grid_parms) _pb_parms = copy.deepcopy(pb_parms) _sel_parms = copy.deepcopy(sel_parms) #Check img data_group _check_sel_parms(_img_xds,_sel_parms,new_or_modified_data_variables={'pb':'PB'},append_to_in_id=True) assert(_check_pb_parms(_img_xds,_pb_parms)), "######### ERROR: user_imaging_weights_parms checking failed" assert(_check_grid_parms(_grid_parms)), "######### ERROR: grid_parms checking failed" #parameter check #cube continuum check if _pb_parms['function'] == 'airy': from ._imaging_utils._make_pb_symmetric import _airy_disk pb_func = _airy_disk elif _pb_parms['function'] == 'casa_airy': from ._imaging_utils._make_pb_symmetric import _casa_airy_disk pb_func = _casa_airy_disk else: print('Only the airy function has been implemented') _pb_parms['ipower'] = 2 _pb_parms['center_indx'] = [] chan_chunk_size = _img_xds.chan_width.chunks[0] freq_coords = da.from_array(_img_xds.coords['chan'].values, chunks=(chan_chunk_size)) pol = _img_xds.pol.values #don't want chunking here chunksize = (_grid_parms['image_size'][0],_grid_parms['image_size'][1] , chan_chunk_size , len(pol), len(_pb_parms['list_dish_diameters'])) #print(freq_coords.chunksize) #print(chan_chunk_size) #print(chunksize) pb = da.map_blocks(pb_func, freq_coords, pol, _pb_parms, _grid_parms, chunks=chunksize ,new_axis=[0,1,3,4], dtype=np.double) ## Add PB to img_xds # coords = {'d0': np.arange(pb_parms['imsize'][0]), 'd1': np.arange(_pb_parms['imsize'][1]), # 'chan': freq_coords.compute(), 'pol': pol,'dish_type': np.arange(len(_pb_parms['list_dish_diameters']))} _img_xds[_sel_parms['data_group_out']['pb']] = xr.DataArray(pb[:,:,None,:,:,:], dims=['l', 'm', 'time', 'chan', 'pol','dish_type']) _img_xds = _img_xds.assign_coords({'dish_type': np.arange(len(_pb_parms['list_dish_diameters']))}) _img_xds.attrs['data_groups'][0] = {**_img_xds.attrs['data_groups'][0],**{_sel_parms['data_group_out']['id']:_sel_parms['data_group_out']}} print('######################### Created graph for make_pb #########################') return _img_xds